To: Brand Directors, Brand Managers

FTAO: Sales Managers

From: Jeremy Cuff & Odette Shocklidge

Date: 18th May 2015


With the recent departure of Jason Lewis, it is obviously vital that we are able to capture, communicate and therefore manage aspects of F & I across the group.

To ensure clear channels of communication within our company, we request team members are clear about the following aspects;

Pricing & Strategic Topics

Please ensure that decisions surrounding the strategy and pricing of F& I are referred to our Brand Directors & Brand Managers as outlined below;

For our Renault/Dacia, Toyota & Skoda businesses, please contact;

Paul Mitchell
Director of Renault/Dacia, Toyota & Skoda Operations
M: 07796 862114

For our Nissan businesses, please contact;

Richard Pulsford
Director of Nissan Operations
M: 07715 475523

For our Vauxhall & Hyundai businesses, please contact;

Allen Thomas
Brand Manager
M: 07730 059577

General Day To Day Queries

Please ensure that topics surrounding  general “day to day” queries are referred to Jane Pillinger as outlined below;

Jane Pillinger
F & I Office Co-Ordinator, Platinum Financial Solutions
T: 01225 759515
M: 07887 945164

FCA/Compliance Related Queries

For compliance related items, please send an email to

Otherwise, for urgent compliance matters please contact;

Odette Shocklidge
Joint Managing Director
T: 01225 756100
M: 07769 882601

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Thank you for co-operation in this matter. Should there be any changes to this, we will advise you in due course.

As a generalisation, if you are unsure, please check.