

To:       Sales Managers

From:   Jason Lewis

cc. Odette Shocklidge, Martyn Read (Saab), Peter James, Richard Pulsford, Glen Gilliam

Date: Posted on Intranet by Jason Lewis 14/06/10

FSA – Staff competencies.

To accurately complete our FSA return, we must state all those staff that have been assessed as competent to advise on the sale of an insurance product. Our reporting period starts 30th Jun 2009 and ends 14th Jan 2010. Therefore you are asked to list all sales staff employed at your dealership between those dates, that you as supervisors would class as competent, in accordance to Platinum’s FSA procedure Manual (i.e. - that have successfully completed their FSA modules up to level 3 and that are following the required ICOBS and accurately using the CIF/CRF).

You must also include those staff  that have left during this period.


Sales Exec Name
Relevant Exams                                  Y/N
(Foundation,Advisor & Sales)            ICOBs (CIF/CRF)
Used and signed by customers Y/N   Competent

(signed by S/M)