GDPR - General Data Protection Regulations




Dear Team Members,

Despite Covid-19 and all that's come with it, the protection and correct handling of all Customer and fellow Team Member data and records remains paramount.

There can be no shortcuts or "alternatives" to doing things correctly.

Put simply, the GDPR legislation concerns the security and correct use of data by and within an organisation. This flagship legislation is monitored by an oversight regulatory body (the ICO - Information Commissioner's Office), with businesses being subject to penalties and fines for instances of non-compliance.

It is our stated intention to keep all Employee and Customer Data safe, and to use/deploy it correctly and in accordance with the law at all times.

Simple though that may sound, the legislation itself is wide ranging and complex, and has ongoing ramifications for the work of all departments within the company going forwards, whether HR, Marketing, Payroll, Sales, Service, Parts and Accounts/Finance etc. It must therefore be woven into the daily fabric and processes of the business.

Though the company provides an overall framework, it must be by teamwork, thoroughness, robust processes and good communication that will ensure that we do this correctly each and every day. Therefore GDPR compliance is a daily approach to our work, by which every team member must abide by, and maintain awareness of.
We provide a dedicated GDPR resource area on the company intranet Platinum Info Central, see;

Also, we will shortly be re-issuing a GDPR Guide to all team members.

Let's ensure that we continue to give GDPR the importance it deserves.

Please share with your teams.

With best regards,


Jeremy, Odette, Martyn, Mark, Paul & Michael
The Board of Directors