If you discover something at work which you consider is dangerous and likely to cause an accident or injury to an employee or customer, you must report the matter immediately to your Manager who will take the necessary action.

If you cause damage to Company property or stock you should report this to your line Manager immediately.

You should be made aware of who your First Aiders are within your workplace and the location of the First Aid facilities. If you are unsure, please consult your Manager or contact the Human Resources Department at Head Office.

If you have an accident whilst at work you should report it to a First Aider immediately so that an assessment can be made of any injuries sustained and a decision made about whether treatment, if any, will be required. The details of the accident and any treatment should then be recorded in the Accident Book.

If you witness an accident at work you should:

• Remove, if safe to do so, any immediate danger
• Summon help
• If the casualty is mobile, get them to the First Aid facility
• If the casualty is not mobile, stay present, without risking yourself, until qualified help arrives
• Make a mental note of relevant details of the accident
• Make the area safe before recommencing work

All accidents should be noted in the First Aid Accident book.

Managers in consultation with a Company Director will determine whether an accident requires reporting to the Health and Safety Executive.

Failure to report an accident will be considered a breach of Health & Safety and may result in disciplinary action including dismissal.

This page was published January 19th 2007