If you are required to handle money in the course of your duties, you must do so in accordance with our Procedures and as advised by your Manager.

For your own security, you should not carry money either in cash, credit/debit cards with you whilst on the shop floor.

Relatives or Friends
Any Sale or transaction which involves a relative, friend or yourself should not be processed by you without a senior member of staff present who can witness and check the procedure. A mistake will inevitably cause embarrassment and possible suspicion of dishonesty.

Civil Recovery
It is Company policy to seek the prosecution of anyone suspected of theft and/or dishonesty. Such matters involving employees will result in disciplinary action, which could lead to dismissal.

If an employee is found to be involved in a civil wrong against the Company, it will seek to recover any loss of money from the employee. This could involve for example:

• Theft of Renrod/Platinum property (including cash, stock and any other items)
• Theft of staff property
• Theft of customers property
• Criminal damage, refund fraud, staff discount abuse

This Page Published January 19th 2007 (modified 1st July 2016)