Employees are encouraged to raise matters of concern relating to their work through their Manager and through discussion try to resolve problems. If it is found this cannot be achieved the Company’s Grievance Procedure is available to enable difficult problems to be handled in a considered manner. Contractual or other issues should be raised with the Human Resources Manager or the Company Directors.

The Marketing Department publishes regular news stories in both in an online and printed format which are available to all employees. The websites and booklets/magazines contain news briefs from around the Group on product portfolio, new staff appointments and business developments.

Employees receive their payslips from Head Office on a monthly basis through an internal mail system. Attached to payslips is an envelope which may contain information regarding Brand Deals that month. It may contain developments around the Group. Other Company Information maybe relayed to employees with their monthly payslip.

Information for staff including current events is displayed on Notice Boards around the Group.

The Company website provides information at

Further information relevant to the company is available elsewhere on this intranet.

This page was published October 10th 2011