Care of Personal Property

The Company cannot accept any responsibility for personal property or damage caused to an individual’s personal property whilst on the Company’s premises.

Company Property

Company property must be treated with care and respect at all times. Any damage to Company property must be reported to your Manager. Unauthorised use of, or wilful damage to Company property will be treated as a disciplinary matter.

The Company reserves the right to search you or any of your property held on Company premises at any time if there are reasonable grounds to believe that you are guilty of any breach of the Company’s rules or codes.

Return of Company Property

Upon termination of your employment with the Company for whatever reason or otherwise at our request you must immediately return all property belonging to the Company, or third party held in connection with your employment which may be in your possession or under your control. This will include any computer equipment, computer software, mobile phones, keys or Company clothing. This will also include any Company property relating to books, literature, products, customer files and customer records. If you have a Company car with your position this will need to be returned. You should liaise with your Manager for the return of all Company property. You must also inform the Company of any computer passwords.

This page was published January 19th 2007