On joining the Company all staff are requested to complete a confidentiality agreement. By signing this agreement an employee undertakes to not use, reveal or disclose to any other party confidential information relating to the Company at any time during or after their employment.

‘Confidential information’ will include information about the Company’s management, policies, pricing, employees, salary scales, customers, products, services, strategies, future plans and staffing requirements, though this list is not exhaustive.

Employees must not make public statements regarding issues or matters about which they are not an authorised spokesperson or which could adversely reflect upon the Group. Any unauthorised disclosure of confidential information regarding the Group to the media (including social media - please refer to the dedicated Social Media & Online Activities policy page for further detail) is a serious disciplinary offence.

Any serious breach of confidentiality may be construed as misconduct and may result in disciplinary action including dismissal.

This page was published October 10th 2011