The Company respects the right to privacy of its employees. However, the Company will obtain, monitor and process personal data relating to employees to meet its legitimate needs in connection with the proper administration of the employment relationship, statutory obligations and the needs of the business.This may include (but is not limited to) processing data related to payment of salary, sickness benefit and pension contributions, pregnancy and maternity leave, mental and physical health (including dates and reasons for absence) matters of discipline, and training and development activities.

Data may be recorded, kept or processed by the Company in hard and/or in soft copy form. In accepting the terms of their employment, employees consent to the recording, processing, use and disclosure and transfer to others (where reasonable and necessary in connection with their employment and the Company’s duties as employer) of personal data relating to them. This may also include information and contact details in the Company’s publications and internal and external websites including social media - please refer to the dedicated Social Media & Online Activities policy page for further details. In the case of sensitive data the Company will seek express consent. Employees’ rights to request copies of all personal data of which they are a data subject, information regarding the processing of personal data and the third parties to whom data may be disclosed under the Data Protection Act 1998 are not affected – see also GDPR Policy.

We may also use data, which we have obtained from our systems (including e-mail, telephone, internet usage and audio & visual CCTV), to monitor employees and other workers, for example for the purposes of: prevention and detection of fraud or other criminal activities; making sure our procedures and policies are adhered to; training and monitoring standards of service and performance.We may, from time to time, undertake mystery shopping exercises within our dealerships to monitor our level of service. Such mystery shopping exercises may be carried out using audio and/or visual recording methods and may be used to provide training and awareness to other members of staff.

Messages composed, sent or received through the Company’s email and voicemail systems, the data stored on the network and the contents of any computer assigned to employees remain the property of the Company. The Company reserves and will exercise without notice the right to monitor, audit and disclose the usage, activity and content of these communication and information tools and employees’ usage of the internet. In accepting the terms of their employment employees agree to the exercise of such rights from time to time by the Company.

Deliberate or negligent misuse of data, whether by unlawful disclosure or otherwise, or misuse of Company facilities may be construed as misconduct and may result in disciplinary action including dismissal.


This page was published February 13th 2018