Fire prevention and control is a duty placed on every employee by the Company. A fire risk assessment will have been undertaken in every location around the Group, this will be reviewed on an annual basis or whenever there is a change to the Company’s work activities or processes. You must familiarise yourself with the Company’s emergency procedure to minimise the dangers caused by fire. Details of the procedure, exit and assembly points are displayed at every location around the Group.

On discovering a fire

• Operate the nearest fire alarm and gain the attention of everyone else close to you in the vicinity
• Do not attempt to tackle the fire unless you have been trained

On hearing the fire alarm

• Do not delay, evacuate the building immediately using the nearest available fire exit and go to the Assembly Point
• Close all doors behind you
• Do not stop to collect personal possessions
• Do not take personal risks
• Walk quickly, do not run
• Remain calm and proceed in an orderly manner
• On arrival a the fire assembly point, register your presence with the employee responsible for fire safety
• Do not re-enter the building until it has been confirmed and you have been instructed that the premises are safe to re-enter

Fire drills will take place at every location around the Group to ensure the Company’s fire procedures are effective and to ensure you are familiar with them. These drills are important and must be taken seriously.

You should ensure that staircases, fire exits and the routes to them are kept clear of obstruction at all times to prevent all possible causes of fire.

If you have any mobility problems you should notify your Manager so that they can take special care and attention in assisting you with evacuating the building.

This page was published January 19th 2007