The Company is committed to the principle of equal opportunities and requires the same commitment from our employees.

Company policies promote equal opportunity and are intended to ensure that all employees and persons seeking employment are treated fairly regardless of their race, colour, disability, ethnic origin, nationality, beliefs, sex, marital status or age.

Decisions with regards to training, promotion or discipline for employees will be based fairly on their skills, abilities and other performance based criteria. The Company encourages all employees to take advantage of suitable opportunities for training, development and promotion.

Any employee who believes that they may have been subjected to treatment which breaches this policy should raise the matter through the Company’s grievance procedure.

Breach of our Equal Opportunities policy by an Employee is taken very seriously by the Company. Failure to apply our policies or evidence of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation is considered to be misconduct and will be dealt with through the Company’s disciplinary procedure and could result in summary dismissal.


   This page was published January 19th 2007