The purpose of the Handbook is to provide comprehensive information to Renrod staff about terms and conditions of employment, policies and procedures, which affect staff, and about Company structure and organisation.

Staff joining the Company will be shown a copy of the Company Handbook during the Human Resources Department meeting, along with their Contract of Employment. It will be explained during the Human Resources Department induction meeting that employees are confirming that they will read, understand and agree to be bound by its terms. Changes in current legislation, Company policy or procedures may make certain sections no longer applicable in their entirety until the next issue. Advice from an immediate manager should be sought before any decisions are made solely on the information supplied in this Handbook.

An electronic version of the Handbook is available on the Company intranet site and a paper version of the Handbook is available for reference in each department around the Group.

The Handbook will be maintained by the Human Resources Department. From time to time it may be necessary to alter or amend the contents of this Handbook. Changes will be displayed on dealership Notice Boards, or in some instances will be notified directly to staff.

Any queries or requests for further clarification should be addressed to an immediate Manager, a Company Director or to the Human Resources

This Page Published April 24th 2009 (modified 1st July 2016)