Notification of Pregnancy

On notification of Pregnancy to the Human Resources Department at Head Office you will be sent a Maternity Guide. This guide tells you your entitlements. To comply with the Company’s Health and Safety requirements you will be visited by the Human Resources Manager who will carry out a risk assessment of your duties.

Attendance at Ante-natal Clinic

Attendance at an ante-natal clinic will be allowed without loss of pay, provided the appointment to attend is made on medical advice and on production of a certificate confirming the pregnancy, together with the appropriate appointment card, (apart from the first appointment during pregnancy).

Maternity Leave / Pay

Your entitlement to Maternity Leave and pay is detailed in the Maternity Guide sent out by the Human Resources Department at Head Office. Please contact the Human Resources Manager if you have any questions with regards to Maternity Leave and Pay.

Company Vehicle

Vehicles provided by the Company to employees are in pursuant of its business operating standards and are therefore to be made available for demonstration/ sale or to customers on a daily basis during normal business hours to satisfy this requirement. The Company reserves the contractual right during maternity leave to require the employee to return to the Company their Company vehicle. The Company will operate this right on a discretionary basis. In such cases where the Company operates this clause, it will do so with reasonable notice and an employee will be provided with the use of a vehicle once more when they return to their duties.

Return to Work

We hope that you choose to come back to work after your maternity leave. If you return to work after ordinary maternity leave you are entitled to return to the same job on the same terms and conditions as if you had not been away.

This page was published April 24th 2009