1. Introduction
We believe in fairness for all and are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive working environment for all our Team Members.

We recognise that many of you will experience the menopause and that for some, the menopause may have an impact on your working life.

The purpose of this policy is to raise awareness of the menopause and the impact the menopause can have at work, and to encourage open conversations between you and your Manager.

We are committed to supporting Team Members that are affected by the menopause and to signpost relevant advice and assistance to anyone who may need it.

2. Scope of policy
This policy applies to all individuals working for the Platinum Motor Group.  In this policy, we use the term “you” to cover everyone who works for us in whatever capacity (e.g. permanent, fixed term, casual).

This policy does not form part of your contract of employment, and we may amend it at any time.

3. What is Menopause?
All women will experience the menopause at some point during their life.  The menopause can also impact trans and non-binary people who may not identify as female.

Most of those who experience the menopause will do so between the ages of 45 and 55. However, some individuals start experiencing symptoms much earlier. Early menopause can also be triggered by other medical conditions.  Often, symptoms last between four and eight years, but they can continue for longer.

While many who go through the menopause will be able to carry on their working lives as normal, we recognise that symptoms and situations will vary from person to person with some requiring adjustments to working conditions to mitigate the impact of menopause symptoms on their work.  Symptoms can include, but are not limited to, sleep disturbance, hot flushes and heavy periods, memory loss or reduced concentration, headaches, muscle and joint pains, depression and anxiety, all of which can be both physically and emotionally distressing.  The majority of individuals going through the menopause will experience some symptoms, although everyone is different, and symptoms can fluctuate.

The menopause is preceded by the perimenopause, during which the body prepares itself for menopause. The perimenopause can also last several years and can involve similar symptoms to the menopause itself.  For the purpose of this policy, any reference to the menopause includes the perimenopause.

4. Sickness Absence
Team Members may feel unwell and unfit for work due to menopausal symptoms, and if so, we will support them. Details of our Sickness Absence Policy can be found in your terms and conditions and you may self certify yourself for absence from work for up to seven consecutive days without needing a fit note from your doctor.

Whilst you can simply inform your Manager if you are unfit for work, you should also feel comfortable to be open about the reason for your menopause-related leave with your Manager without fear of being discriminated against.

5. Open conversations
We encourage an environment in which Team Members can have open conversations about the menopause. We expect all Team Members to be supportive of those who may be affected by the menopause in the workplace.

Managers and HR should be ready to have open conversations with you about the menopause and what support is available. Such conversations should be treated sensitively, and any information provided should be handled confidentially and in accordance with our Equality and Diversity Policy.

6. Risk Assessment
We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of all our Team Members and will consider any aspects of the working environment that may worsen menopausal symptoms. This may include identifying and addressing specific risks to the health and well-being of those going through the menopause.

Physical adjustments could include temperature control, provisions of electric fans or access to rest facilities. Depending on individual and business needs, adjustments such as flexible working, more frequent rest breaks or changes to work allocation may also be considered. These are examples only and not an exhaustive list.

We may refer you to Occupational Health or ask you to seek medical advice from your GP to better understand any adjustments and other support that may help alleviate symptoms affecting you at work.

7. Adjustments
The Platinum Motor Group commits to ensuring that adjustments and additional support will be available to those experiencing menopausal symptoms, including the facilitation of flexible working, where business needs allow.

Requests for short term adjustments could include asking for:

  • a change to the pattern of hours worked;
  • adjustments to workload;
  • reduction in working hours
  • more frequent breaks

8. The Platinum Motor Group support (Managers and Team Members)

Although the menopause usually impacts those in their 40s to 60s; it can impact younger people, partners and families and we need to support everyone.

We trust that as a manager you will have supportive conversations with your Team Members, but you are not expected to be an expert or a healthcare professional / occupational health adviser when discussing the menopause.  Managers (with the support of HR where requested) should encourage Team Members to discuss the impact of their menopausal symptoms on their work-life and encourage them to access the support and adjustments offered. They should promote a positive attitude to discussions around women’s health issues.

We also recommend this practical guide for people managers from the CIPD, which offers guidance on supporting Team Members going through the menopause, including how to approach the conversations about it appropriately and sensitively:           

Team Members
Traditionally, the menopause has not been widely discussed in workplaces, with some people finding it difficult and embarrassing to raise the subject.  Fortunately, however, due to increased media coverage and the availability of online support and guidance, conversations around managing the menopause in the workplace are becoming more normalised, and this policy aims to support this.  Menopause transition should be managed with consideration, understanding and in some circumstances, with workplace adjustments or adaptations. This will enable The Platinum Motor Group to continue to perform at our best during this transition.

Workplace ‘banter’ can be upsetting, and could be interpreted as harassment, so it is important that all Team Members behave with kindness, understanding and acceptance, keep an open mind, behave sensitively and avoid making assumptions.  Team Members should report any instances of harassment, victimisation or discrimination experienced because of issues related to the menopause.  It is also important that if a Team Member speaks to you in confidence, this should be respected and the information kept confidential unless they give you express permission to share it.

We would encourage Team Members to utilise the WeCare programme, available to all Team Members and their immediate family, which has GPs to offer personalised support and advise on menopause related matters.   Details of WeCare can be obtained from Line Managers and HR, as well as from posters around the business and in the Company newsletter.

9. Resources

The following are links to some external sites that you may find useful.  We are aware there is a lot of guidance available and everyone is different so please use this as a guide only and do let us know if there are any links that should be added to this list:


 Menopause matters which provides information about the menopause, menopausal symptoms, treatment options and general advice and tips       

 The Daisy Network charity which provides support for women experiencing premature menopause or premature ovarian insufficiency;        

Henpicked an online community with varied resources such as ‘lunch and learn’ videos with industry wide experts       

This page was published 24th October 2023