The Company provides a mobile phone to employees where the provision of a mobile has been agreed. The make and model will be of the Company’s choosing and may be replaced. The mobile may only be used for business use and must be kept in a good condition.

General Rules:
If the mobile is used for private telephone calls / texting the Company will require you to reimburse the cost of these calls.

When attending training courses or meetings your mobile should be switched to voicemail.

You should reduce the phone volume if you are in our showrooms.

You should avoid using a mobile in the Workshop areas of the business as this could cause a distraction when an employee is carrying out a hazardous task.

The Company has a duty to provide a safe working environment under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and are also required to protect their employees’ safety under the common law duty of care. Therefore when employees are driving on Company business they should: -

• Have mobile phones switched to voicemail

• Only make or receive calls even with a hands-free kit when they are safely parked away from the road

• Only receive or make Emergency calls

When the Company issues an employee with a mobile phone they will be required to sign their acceptance to the terms of this policy.

Social Media
The using of company mobile phones for personal text messages and social media activity is not allowed.

This page was published October 10th 2011