Unless otherwise specified on appointment, the probation period for all staff newly appointed to the Company is three months, extendable by up to a further three months. The purpose of the probation period is to ensure that the performance and conduct of new staff is monitored in the early stages of their employment. This enables the employee to be offered advice and assistance where appropriate before the end of probation recommendation is made.

Where problems in respect of either work performance or conduct are apparent during the probationary period employees will be given advice and assistance from their manager with what improvement is required and a timescale for a further review.

Prior to the end of the probation period managers will receive a reminder from the Human Resources department that a formal recommendation is required. The end of probation must not be allowed to pass without a recommendation, positive or otherwise being made following an interview with the member of staff.

In the event that an employee fails to complete probation satisfactorily, notice will be given under the terms of the contract of employment.

This section is for information only and does not form part of the contract of employment.

This page was published January 19th 2007