During the course of daily business, management and staff will meet customers and companies that wish to sell their own products to Platinum Group staff.

A member is not allowed to recommend and/or circulate details of a product or service to other members of staff using company communication channels (company emails, internal mail etc), unless under certain/special circumstances, where permission from the Board of Directors is required.

Any subsequent communication where permission is given must describe a product or service in such a way as to makes it clear that the company is
not recommending/endorsing the product/service, and that any complaints or redress must be addressed directly to the supplier of the product or service.

Payroll Marketing
From time to time, the company may collaborate with other non-competing companies to reciprocate marketing offers to each others staff, which are usually sent out with the payslips.

Though the company endeavours to work with what it considers to be reliable, established and professional companies, the company is not recommending or endorsing those products and accepts no responsibility should a member of staff take up an offer and be unhappy with any resulting product or service.

In that case, complaint/redress must be sought directly from the supplier of the product or service.


This Page Published February 13th 2018