We aim to excel in all areas of our business providing a professional service to our customers with the highest levels of customer satisfaction and being respected within our community as trustworthy and fair.

There are a number of basic principles that should guide everything we do. These are:

• Be truthful and fair in all aspects of our business
• Abide by the law
• Uphold our good reputation with customers and business partners
• Encourage mutual respect, openness and integrity in the workplace

We have adopted a Code of Conduct that defines the Platinum Motor Groups minimum standards for ethical business practice. It applies to all employees of companies controlled by the Platinum Motor, whether permanent or on temporary contracts. Consultants or agents who are retained to represent the Platinum Motor Group are also required to conform to the relevant sections of this Code.

Where you are faced with an ethical decision that is not specifically covered by this Code or by these basic principles, you must seek the advice of your Line Manager or a Company Director.

Where the Code requires an employee to obtain the consent or approval of their Manager or a Company Director this should be given in writing. The employee is responsible for ensuring that one copy of such consent or approval is placed on their personnel file.

Any breach of this Code could have serious consequences for the Group and may result in disciplinary action including dismissal.

This Page Published May 7th 2008 (modified 1st July 2016)