We value the Health and Safety of our staff and in line with the legislation that bans smoking in public places the Company operates a No Smoking Policy. It is Company policy, therefore, not to allow smoking inside Company premises as part of its effort to create a healthy and safe working environment.

Smoking is only allowed during designated breaks. Please refer to the section on‘Breaks’ in this Handbook. If you are on your rest break or on your lunch break you may smoke at a designated area out of the view of our customers. Your Manager will have details of the areas around the Group that are designated for‘Smoking’. In the interests of safety, you must ensure all cigarettes and matches are fully extinguished.

If you are found to be smoking on a non designated rest break; this will be dealt with through the disciplinary procedure.

Electronic Cigarettes
The Company acknowledges that some employees may wish to make use of electronic cigarettes (“e-cigarettes”) in the workplace, particularly as an aid to giving up smoking. E-cigarettes are battery-powered products that release a visible vapour that contains liquid nicotine that is inhaled by the user.

Although they fall outside the scope of smoke-free legislation, the Company prohibits the use of e-cigarettes in the workplace and in company vehicles. Whilst they do not produce smoke, e-cigarettes produce a vapour that could provide an annoyance or health risk to other employees. Some e-cigarette models can, particularly from a distance, look like real cigarettes, making a smoking ban difficult to police, and creating an impression for visitors/customers/other employees that it is acceptable to smoke.

This page was published January 13th 2016