Whilst we generally work in a safe environment we know that you can be confronted by violence at any time. ‘Violence’ may involve any incident in which you are threatened, abused or assaulted and may include both verbal and physical attacks by a member of the general public or another employee.

In the unlikely event of being involved in a violent situation whether in the workplace or at a work-related event;

• You should not expose yourself to any unreasonable risk to personal injury
• Always try to defuse a potentially violent situation
• Incase of actual or threatened physical violence, back away and call your Manager or Supervisor immediately
• Talk to your Manager about any violent incident, threat or inappropriate behaviour which happens to you or a colleague

Immediate first line support, through a professional counseling service, will be provided if you experience either violence or other major trauma at work. Please speak to your line Manager or the Human Resources Manager if you require any further information.

This page was published January 19th 2007