
Hi All,


In recent times, we’ve been hearing more and more stories from contacts and sources outside of the Platinum Group with regard to scams and fraud.

Modern scammers and fraudsters have evolved their methods and techniques to become much more “professional” and sophisticated than in the past, and therefore on the face of it are much more believable and “credible” to the person, or in our case Team Members, that might be being targeted. Even experienced individuals who can normally “smell a rat” have been duped by some of these elaborate scams.

In most cases, scammers and fraudsters will be looking to steal money (usually from bank accounts) having successfully been granted “access” to bank accounts by pretending to be from the bank and then taking control of a computer (that kind of thing). Other reasons for scams and fraud would be for the purposes of stealing confidential data, which could then be sold or used for contacting those people directly in order to gain access to their bank accounts.

Other methods are using digital technology, such as the creation of false invoices and incorrect bank accounts as to where moneys should be paid, often mimicking the communications of a legitimate company.

The advise we can give all Team Members is to be constantly vigilant to the ever present threat posed by scammers and fraudsters, whose creativity knows no bounds as they look for new ways to deceive and therefore defraud innocent victims.

Please give thought to this each and every day, and if in any doubt whatsoever, stop, check and double check, and ask for the opinion of a colleague. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Though the company has not been a victim to fraud, we experience regular attempts with the view of achieving just that.

Please remain vigilant, careful and savvy in both your professional life in the company, and also at home in your personal life.

Yours sincerely


Jeremy Cuff
Managing Director
Renrod Ltd/Platinum Motor Group