

Dear Team Members,

As we all know, things in the world are quite turbulent at the moment, which one could say is somewhat of an understatement!

The news of Prime Minister Boris Johnson's resignation will add further confusion and complexity to what is an already unsettled backdrop, when combined with the long shadow of the Covid-19 pandemic, the threat to supply chains and energy networks brought about by the ongoing Ukraine war, as well as other challenges.

We as individuals and as teams working together have little or no control over national and world events of this magnitude, so day to day and week to week, in our roles, in our dealerships and departments, we must all endeavour to remain united and positive against these difficulties, be friendly, helpful and cooperative with our colleagues, and use that as a springboard for creating a "one dealership" approach in order to deliver a truly excellent experience to every customer and potential customer that interacts with us (whether in person, by telephone, via email, on social media and so on).

By doing this, by ensuring that we retain margins, by offering and selling additional products and services, by remaining legal and compliant at all times, by using the "tools and technology" available in the Platinum businesses, by keeping costs under control, and by doing what we say we're going to do will be the things that make the difference and stand the Platinum Group in good stead going forwards.

As we commence the Quarter 3 trading period, we expect the "situation in the world" to remain turbulent and uncertain for the foreseeable future, with further disruptions and "events" that will cause challenges to individuals, businesses and society as a whole.

We can best navigate these rapids by focusing on what is described above.

We thank you for your hard work and commitment during the first half of 2022, and look forward to working with you during the remainder of the year and beyond. We also take this opportunity to reaffirm our warm welcome to our new Team Members in Yeovil.

Please ensure that team members without a company email are made aware of this communication.

Yours sincerely,



Jeremy, Odette, Martyn, Paul & Michael
The Board of Directors
Renrod Ltd/Platinum Motor Group