Please see below important information regarding the use of the Olympic logos and trademarks.

Although this communication was originally received from Vauxhall, the restrictions below would apply equally to all brands.

From: Steve Baynes
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 17:11
To: 'Jeremy Cuff'
Subject: Olympics

Hi Jeremy

FYI, article from Vauxhall.


Olympics 2012 - Important Guidance for Vauxhall Retailers

In this communication:

  • Introduction
  • Strict Legal Guidance
  • What can you do?
  • Further information

The XXX Olympiad to be held in London during the summer of 2012 will make this an extraordinary year.

Whilst many advertisers will want to ride the wave of unprecedented levels of audience attention, engagement and excitement, the Games are the most legally protected sports property in the world, so non-sponsors must proceed with real caution.

This communication provides some basic guidance to help ensure that Vauxhall Retailers do not fall foul of the strict legal rules surrounding the Games.

Strict Legal Guidance
No business can associate itself with The Games unless it’s an official sponsor or it has the sanction of The London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG).
This covers use of logos and trademarks, as well as language that could infer an association with The Games.

The following marks/ logos can only be used by London 2012 sponsors;

The Olympic and Paralympic emblems

The London 2012 brand

London 2012 Brand

The Protected Games’ Marks, including logos, mascots and their bespoke font, are owned by or licensed to LOCOG;

Protected Games' Marks

LOCOG can take legal action against businesses who falsely suggest an association between their goods and services and London 2012. A set of “Listed Expressions” has been specified that could be used to create a false association, but it shouldn’t be assumed that if a Listed Expression is not used that LOCOG’s right has not been infringed.

The Listed Expressions are: any two words in List A below or any word in list A with one or more of the words from List B below:

List A
Games, Two Thousand and Twelve, 2012, Twenty-Twelve

List B
London, medals, sponsors, summer, gold, silver, bronze

Examples given by LOCOG that would fall foul of this law are “Backing the 2012 Games” or “Supporting the London Games”

However an unlawful association can be created without any use of the Listed Expressions through the use of images and text. For example if a non-sponsor energy company ran an ad with an athlete holding a torch against a London backdrop with the line “Lighting the Flame”, LOCOG would say they’re creating an association with London 2012 through use of text and images although no Olympic marks or Listed Expressions are being used.

The key question LOCOG will ask themselves: has an association been created with London 2012?

Strict rules also apply to the use of participants for advertising purposes. Participants are defined as competitors, officials, coaches and trainers participating in the London 2012 Games. Except as permitted by the IOC Executive Board, no competitor or official who participates in the Olympic Games may allow his person, name, picture or sports performances to be used for advertising purposes during the Olympic Games. “Advertising purposes” encompasses all forms of commercial promotion including advertising, 

PR, on-pack promotions, social networking sites and virals.

This rule does not apply to Olympians who have competed in previous games or to other accredited people such as broadcast presenters, volunteers or VIP’s.

What can you do?
Providing no association is made to The Games in their advert, advertisers that want to take advantage of the feel good of The Games can focus on placing their advertising where Olympic content appears as there are no specific restrictions on media owners.

However restrictions are in place on outdoor media around The Games venues themselves. It is worth noting however that these environments will be very cluttered and are already heavily sold.

Alternatively, retailers can look to get involved with local sporting clubs and associations. It is expected that the Olympics will lead to more people getting involved and participating in sport. Retailers can look to take advantage of this by potentially supporting relevant local clubs, organising vehicle displays in higher traffic areas surrounding clubs, and using the PR opportunities that involvement in the local community can bring. Vauxhall now provides a low cost local PR service through ADapt which retailers can use to help with ideas for local PR activity.

In short, Vauxhall Retailers must proceed with caution when considering any activity around the London Olympics. The above guidance should be carefully followed. That said, the Olympics will be central to what should be a positive year for the nation, and retailers should look to capitalise on that feel good factor by working with local communities and taking advantage of local opportunities where appropriate.

Further information
More information on the advertising and trading regulations for the London 2012 Olympics can be found here: