20th October 2022

Dear Team Member,



It is that time of year again, and as a nation we are being actively encouraged to take all available steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones against not just the ever-present Covid-19 virus, but also from the regular ‘Flu’ virus that starts to become more prevalent around this time each year.

We recognise how important it is to protect and help keep you safe and well, and therefore The Company is delighted to confirm that we will again re-imburse the cost of the flu jab  (subject to availability) up to the value of £12.00 to all qualifying team members who wish to have one.  Anyone who is aged 50 or over (including those who will turn 50 by 31st March 2023)*  is entitled to the Flu jab, free of charge in England, courtesy of the NHS, and we would ask you to take advantage of this where possible.  It is best to have your flu vaccination in the autumn or early winter before flu rates increase. Remember that you need it every year, so don’t assume you are protected because you had one last year.

The flu jab is available at various supermarkets and pharmacies and charges do vary. 

In order to benefit from this contribution,  please first arrange to have the flu jab and request a receipt at the time of payment.  On production of the receipt, we will then be able to re-imburse you up to the value of £12 to cover the cost, or part cost, of the flu jab.   Please obtain your Manager’s signature on the original receipt and hand to your Branch Accountant who will reimburse you via petty cash.

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact HR.


Please continue to follow our Covid procedures which constitutes our duty of care to one another, and our customers.  Please also continue to be mindful of your activities outside of work and remain vigilant and considerate of your colleagues.

Let’s all help to stay collectively safe and well this Autumn and Winter.

With best regards

 Jeremy, Odette, Martyn, Paul & Michael

*The jab is also available free of charge on the NHS in England to those who have a serious long-term health condition and for people who have (or live with someone who has) a weakened immune system, and during pregnancy.  Further details can be found at on the NHS website at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/flu-influenza-vaccine/