
QUARTER 3 - A BIG Thank You To All Our Team Members

Dear Team Members,

As September draws to a close today, the Directors would like to take this opportunity to thank all Platinum Team Members for their fantastic efforts throughout the 3rd Quarter trading period (July-September) - it is very much appreciated by us all.

During this quarter plenty has been happening in the world, what with a new Prime Minister here in the UK and the continuation of the appalling Ukraine war, which has brought additional turbulence and uncertainty when added to the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.

We very much look forward to working with you in Quarter 4 and beyond, during which time we expect significant economic headwinds to be major factors for us as a business and in our personal lives as well, and don't forget to remain aware of Covid as the Winter sets in.

Let's all look after each other as best we can this Winter.

Managers; Please share this message with Team Members without company emails.

With kind regards,

Jeremy, Odette, Martyn, Paul & Michael