To: Directors, Brand Managers, Dealer Principals, Departmental Managers

Cc Claire Ellis, Jason Lewis, Jason Carter, Helen Redfern, Katy Smart, Julie Fowle, Sharon Thayer, Lucy Greenfield

From: Jeremy Cuff & Steve Mawby

Date: 25th June 2012


Please find attached the latest statistics for Data Capture up to the end of May, and the tracking sheets showing the month on month variations for this year (which most of you should have already received).

As a group we have seen the following trends since the previous memo of the 23rd March;

  • MOT and Service Data capture has remained very good across the group with occasional dips

  • Currently we have 7 of our branches under the 50% benchmark for email capture which shows good progress.

  • Since the last Data Capture memo on the 23rd March, we have seen overall improvement by 70% of our branches. We are still seeing additional improvement month on month at some sites giving an overall improvement of 2% as a group since March, however during May we saw the following sites slip back to either where they were in March or further back.

Renault Trowbridge back by 7%
Toyota Trowbridge back by 4%
Vauxhall Chippenham – Unchanged
Vauxhall Trowbridge back by 1%

Well done to those who have improved. To those who haven’t, please re-double you efforts to get the trend going the right way again with the objective of reaching the 50% benchmark. Also, please read the following paragraphs about why this is important and our objectives for 2012.

Email Capture for Trade Parts

For Parts Managers, please ensure that we are collecting Trade Customer emails and other contact information, so that we have options for customer contact going forward – see paragraphs below.


There are a number of reasons why full and accurate data capture is so important to the business going forward. Here are some of the most critical reasons;

  • So that we can contact the customer in any way that they or we require

  • So that we can use digital means of communication that can cover high percentages of our active database

  • So that we can contact the customer with information that is accurate and relevant to them

  • So that we can save money (where appropriate) on Letterheads, Postage and other printed matter such as booklets, brochures, fliers etc

  • Because manufacturers will insist that we do this for future marketing purposes (in some cases this is already happening)


By the end of 2012 we are looking to achieve an email capture of a minimum of 50% which should be achievable.

Previously, staff and customer objections to disclosing emails have centred around customer fears that they will be bombarded by marketing and spam, so we have to reassure any customer that their email address will not result in deluges of emails or be shared with a third party (though the relevant manufacturer might be excepted in some circumstances).

Instead, we can focus on the “green” aspect of saving paper where appropriate, and that we would only communicate information and offers to them in a way that is useful, relevant, responsible and proportionate.

To achieve our objectives, each team member must contribute their part and ensure that we ask the customer each and every time for this piece of information, whilst at the same time maintaining the fantastic efforts made with MOT and Service Date capture. Also, remembering to check customer contact information on each and every subsequent visit will ensure that the data held remains accurate.

 Should any member of staff have any questions about this memo, please approach Jeremy Cuff or Steve Mawby.

The best improver since the start of the year has been Hyundai with an 11% improvement ytd. The site has now moved up to positions 4th, 5th  & 8th with the Franchises maintained there.

Attached are the latest stats taken from the extract at the start of June.

Error Summary

Error Tracker - Emails

Error Tracker - MOT

Error Tracker - Service