With Quarter 2 now at a close, we would like to thank all team members for the great effort that has been put in across all sites.

There's been a lot of fantastic teamwork during 2014, which we will need to build on again throughout the remainder of 2014 in order to meet the challenges and opportunities of Quarters 3 and 4.

We know that the manufacturer targets and expectations of the dealer networks will remain very high on the back of the returning market, and it's therefore essential that we maintain focus and carry momentum. In order to deliver the Q3 objectives, we will need to be at our very best and concentrated on the areas of priority.

Good luck in building a strong Quarter 3 campaign and we look forward to working with you during the second half of 2014.

Yours sincerely

Jeremy Cuff & Odette Shocklidge
Joint Managing Directors
Renrod Ltd/Platinum Motor Group

PS - Please share this communication with all team members.