Wednesday 5th September 2007


The head office Marketing & HR departments have reviewed the process leading to the production of all recruitment advertising across the group.

The results of this meeting is that we will require the following timetable in order to guarantee prompt inclusion in the recruitment pages of the press….

1) All requests for recruitment advertising to be received by the HR Department no later than the close of business on Wednesday of any given week.

2) The HR Department will then source a suitable text (from our online library) for the vacancy and agree this with the manager who has requested the advertisement to appear.

This must be completed no later than the close of business on Thursday of any given week.

Also, please indicate to the HR Department the newspaper titles (or at least the geographical areas) in which the advertisement must appear.

3) The HR Department will then pass the approved text and requested newspaper titles to the Marketing Department so that an advertisement can be produced and bookings made with the relevant titles.

4) The completed advertisement will be supplied to the chosen media on the Friday of any given week.

The reason for “formalising” this process is to prevent the current “last minute” culture of producing recruitment advertising very close to deadline, and also to alleviate confusion as to how to go about placing a recruitment advert.

This should allow a more controlled and coherent approach, and thus avoid the potential for mistakes, badly scripted copy and overall confusion. It will also help to best use the group’s resource, which is finite, and must therefore be utilised efficiently.

It is important that the process begins with the HR Department, who must be aware of any recruitment requests.

Any recruitment advertising requests that fall outside the above timetable may miss inclusion at the first available opportunity.

Any questions, please call Jeremy Cuff or Caira Skuse at Head Office.