Monday 18th June 2007


It’s now just over 1 month to go before the West Wilts Show in Trowbridge Town Park on 26th-28th July.

To ensure that the event is a success, please make sure that you have the following in place:

- Adequate staff rota ensuring coverage at show and dealership/s
- Capture pads for customer leads (Claire Ellis has generic pads if reqd)
- Transporters booked to move vehicles to the event (set up day is Wednesday)
- Adequate & current marketing materials to give out
- That you have a representative (& signwritten) commercial vehicle from your range (if applicable)

Claire Ellis will be available at the site all day Wednesday as required to help with logistics etc.

We will be arranging some giveaways (goodie bags containing air fresheners, balloons, fliers & other sundries).

Also, we have adverts for all the businesses in the Official Show Programme.

Should you require any additional fliers to give out carrying latest campaign information, please contact Claire Ellis so that it can be organised in time (i.e. printed & delivered).

Any questions, please call Claire Ellis at Head Office.