

The following email was circulated by Hadyn at Chippenham, watch out for any of these calls…

Good morning everyone.

I've just had a call from a girl called Emma stating she was from Quality Care Children's Charity. She said she was ready to send out the quality care booklets which we had asked for. I told her I had never asked for ANY such booklet. She said I had and that we spoken last November. I told her I had never spoken to her and certainly not agreed to anything. I asked her for a contact number, she said she couldn't give me a number as she worked from a fax line. I asked her for the company name address and charity number and she put the phone down.

Look out everyone.

Hadyn Satchell AMIMI
General Manager
Platinum Chippenham
SAAB Hyundai Renault

Tel: 01249 655 871
Fax: 01249 444 195
Mob: 07585 975 666
Email: hadyn.satchell@renrodmg.co.uk