

Please be aware that the following leads received via Autotrader are a scam:

From: Claire Ellis [mailto:claire.ellis@renrodmg.co.uk]
Subject: Car buying scam

Hi Guys

Please see attached documents regarding a new scam doing the rounds.

Last week we had 3 leads come in from Auto Trader sent to different Platinum dealers but all with the same message. I have a attached these for you to see (Recent Auto Trader leads made to Platinum). Please also see attached another one that has been forwarded from Marsh Toyota about the same thing (Scam warning).

What they are trying to do is get our account number by asking to purchase a vehicle via a bank transfer as they are abroad. Once they have the account details they will then use it to make further purchases etc.

Some of you may be getting these type of enquiries direct from your own websites as well.

Please all be aware and on your guard.

Odette is going to let all the accountants know but if you could pass this on as well that would be great.

Cheers guys


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