
To: Directors
cc: Brand/Sales Managers

From: Jeremy Cuff

Date: 22 July 2013

Subject: Convertibles and Sports Cars - Now is the time

Hi All,

With the hot weather looking set to continue for a while longer, please ensure that we focus on our “Convertible & Sporty” cars within our ranges in terms of

  • Onsite display (in a prominent position, with hood down if possible/appropriate)

  • That we focus on them as “Managers Specials” or “Summer Weather Specials”

  • Organise graphics/decals for any demonstrators

  • Organise a product placement

If there’s enough within the group, it is also possible that we could produce a “Summer Cars Eblast”.

If you need any help with marketing of these vehicles, please contact Claire or Morph.

With best regards

Jeremy Cuff
Joint Managing Director
Renrod Ltd/Platinum Group